Indianetzone Launches The Most Useful and Informative Site aerobics Indianetzone com

Released on = July 20, 2006, 3:20 am

Press Release Author = Jupiter Infomedia

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary =, the numero-uno educative and descriptive
web portal of India, launches a site on Aerobics.

Press Release Body = Mumbai, July 8, 2006:, India's most
informative and illustrative web portal, launches the is the only web portal, which covers all aspects
of aerobics in detail. The site provides information on all the facets of aerobics
for possibly every person. "Our aim is to make the user familiar with aerobics and
its importance in our daily lives," says Mr. Umesh Modi, Editor,

The site has 8 main sections namely Aerobics, Types of Aerobics, Aerobic Equipments,
History of Aerobics, Kids Aerobics, Aerobic Routine, Aerobic Class and Articles.

The section on Aerobics contains the information on the basic concept as to what is
known as aerobics, and informationon different aerobic exercises.

The Types of Aerobics section throws light on types of aerobics. It also includes
the advantages that one can gain after doing those exercises.

The Section on Aerobic Equipments as the name suggests, provides information on the
various equipments that are used for the type of exercises.

History of Aerobics throws light on the types of exercises introduced from its
inception, its evolution and its importance till date.

The section on Kids Aerobics provides reasons as to why kids need to learn and
practice aerobics at their tender age.

The Aerobic Routine section gives a detailed aerobic guideline to be followed right
from the first day and as to how to go about practicing the same on a regular basis.

The Aerobic Class section gives explanations on the different classes, which teach
the various styles of aerobics.
The Articles section gives an insight on the various aerobic activities and the tips
to practice the same to have a fit and healthy body. The other new aerobic workouts,
nearly 10 types, which are introduced lately, are also featured in this section.

The best feature of this site is that it is the only site where every bit of
information regarding aerobics is analyzed and presented systematically. "We want to
create awareness of the importance of aerobics in the country," says Mr. Modi.
Indianetzone is India's most informative and descriptive web portal. It provides
information on various topics like history, health, food and beverages, movies and
entertainment, media, education and career, spirituality, science and technology,
geography, women issues, sports, travel, fashion, business and various other
interesting subjects. The portal has a subscriber base of more than 50,000 people
and is visited by thousands of people daily.

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